200 Years of U.S.-Brazil Partnership
In this article, the US ambassador in Brasília, Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, talks about 200 Brazil-US relations
Brazil and the United States:Two Hundred Years of a Vigorous, Dynamic, and Multifaceted Partnership
Neste artigo, embaixadora do Brasil em Washington, Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, fala dos 200 de relações Brasil-EUA
Far Beyond the FTAA: The Possibility of Enhanced Cooperation between Brazil and the United States
In this article, Kellie Meiman Hock talks about the challenges and possibilities of economic interactions between Brazil and the USA in the last three decades
From Fragmentation to Cooperation: The Strategic Importance of the World Bank Group’s IDA
In this article, Marcos Vinicius Chiliatto from the World Bank talks about the importance of the International Development Association (IDA) in combating poverty
Relations between Brazil and the USA: From Pragmatic Alliances to Programmatic Alignments.
In this article, Pedro Abramovay analyzes the pragmatic and programmatic parallels between the presidents of Brazil and the United States in recent years.
U.S.-Brazilian Relations: A Complicated Affair
In this article, professor James N. Green analyzes 200 years of Brazil-USA diplomatic relations.
Haiti: 20 Years and the Same Mistakes. What is Brazil's Role?
In this article, Neno Garbers, a Brazilian who has lived in Haiti since 2012, analyzes the political crisis in the Caribbean country and questions the paths suggested by the international community
Artistic Freedom Protects Everyone's Freedom
In this article, Guilherme Cezar Coelho talks about the importance of adopting legal parameters to protect artistic freedom in the Americas
By prohibiting the remembrance of the 1964 coup, Lula relies on a false historical disjunction
In this article, Fabio de Sa e Silva talks about the 60th anniversary of the 1964 military coup in Brazil
60 Years of the 1964 Civil-Military Coup: Will We Have Another Lost Opportunity?
In this article, Rafael R. Ioris talks about the 60th anniversary of the military coup of March 31, 1964 in Brazil
Two International Condemnations of Brazil
In this article, Jefferson Nascimento analyzes two recent sentences from the International Court of Human Rights against the Brazilian State
Torture in Brazilian Prisons Exposed at the United Nations
In this article, Nana Oliveira talks about cases of mistreatment in the Brazilian prison system and the urgent appeal made by Assessoria Popular Maria Felipa to the UN
The Space and Role of Black Women in Brazilian Diplomacy
In this article, diplomat Elaine Gomes talks about the underrepresentation of black women at Itamaraty
Why Do We Need to Discuss and Find Parameters for “Information integrity”?
In this article, Nina Santos deals with the concept of "whole information" and its applications and implications in the Brazilian context.
US-China Power Struggle and Its Ripple Effects in Brazil and Latin America
In this article, Dawisson Belém Lopes analyzes Brazilian foreign policy in relation to the USA and China
The Serpent's Egg
In this article, Ricardo Seitenfus talks about the border disputes between Venezuela and Guyana, and their impact on regional stability
Perspectives for a Brazilian Human Rights Agenda in 2024 – The Challenges and Value of the Domestic Experience
In this article, Paulo Lugon Arantes talks about Brazil's challenges in the United Nations human rights bodies in 2024
The Lula Government and the Challenge of Inequality
In this article, written for WBO, Paulo Correa, executive director for Brazil at the IDB, talks about the challenges of President Lula's third term.
Slow Motion Lulismo
In this article, André Singer and Fernando Rugitsky analyze political and economic aspects of Lula's third term in Brazil.
The role of communication for Brazilian social movements
In this article, James N. Green and Paulo Abrão talk about the importance of communication for civil society movements and organizations.