WBO Weekly Newsletter
The Washington Brazil Office (WBO) publishes a newsletter every Friday with the main news from Brazil, written in an explanatory and analytical way, and including analyzes written by both associated researchers and guest essayists. There are two versions of the publication – one in Portuguese and the other in English – that reach weekly via email almost 3,000 subscribers, including congressional aides, U.S. and Brazilian government officials, academics, journalists and leaders of civil society organizations. To receive the WBO newsletter in English simply enter your email address in the field below. To receive Portuguese content, enter your email in the form on the Portuguese version of the website.
The 2025 editions:
Issue 157
March 14
In this edition: Lula's words about the Trump administration, the disputes over the Brazilian House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the announcement of the date of the first vote in the Supreme Court on the complaint against Bolsonaro. Guest columnist: Tiffany Higgins, on the construction of a waterway in the Araguaia-Tocantins river.
Issue 156
February 28
In this edition: Trump's first statement against Alexandre de Moraes and the response from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Itamaraty), the fluctuations in Lula's popularity, and the IBGE data on education in Brazil. Guest columnist: Paulo Lugon Arantes, on the session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
Issue 155
February 21
In this edition: the formal complaint against former President Bolsonaro in the Supreme Court, the drop in Lula's approval rating, and the actions of US big tech against Brazil. Guest writer: João Carlos Jarochinski, on the parallels between the migration issue and the discourse of the far right in the US and Brazil.
Issue 154
February 14
In this issue: Donald Trump's tariff war, the beginning of the terms of the presidents of the Brazilian House and Senate, and the reopening of the investigations intoPresident Juscelino Kubitschek's death. Guest writer: Maiara Folly, on the impact of the CIPÓ Platform's work in Washington.
Issue 153
February 7
In this issue: The new presidents of the Brazilian House and Senate, the upcoming ministerial reform, the "hat fight," and Lula's reactions to Trump's statements about tariffs and the Gaza Strip. Guest writer: Tracy Devine Guzmán, on the connections between Trump's promise of inflation control and the environmental impacts in Brazil.
Issue 152
January 31
In this issue: The deportations of Brazilians from the US, Kassab's criticism of Lula and Haddad, the increase in disapproval of the government, the impeachment of Carla Zambelli. Guest writer: Mariana de Araújo Castro, on oil exploration in the Equatorial Margin.
Issue 151
January 24
In this issue: the challenges for the Lula government's communications department, Trump's inauguration in the US, the indictment of federal police officers involved in the 2022 coup plot. Guest columnist: James N. Green, on the first decrees signed by Trump and their impact on Brazil.
Issue 150
January 17
In this issue: The court order banning Bolsonaro from attending Trump's inauguration, the Lula administration's retreat from changes to Pix (bank transfers), and the violent attacks on the PT, the MST, and a monument to Chico Mendes. Guest writer: Leonora Souza Paula, on preserving memory and defending language against attacks on the history of the oppressed.
Issue 149
January 10th
In this edition: The second anniversary of the frustrated 8/1 coup, Maduro's inauguration in Venezuela and the Meta owner's affront to Brazilian court decisions. Guest columnist: Viviana Santiago, on social participation in the G20.
The 2024 editions:
Issue 148
January 20th
In this edition: The challenges of the Lula government in the economy, opinion polls on Brazilians' support for democracy and the extension of the Supreme Court inquiry against fake news spread by Bolsonaro's followers. Guest columnist: Guilherme Varella, on artistic freedom.
Issue 147
December 13
In this issue: Lula's hospitalization, Caiado's impeachment, pending appeal, the debate in the courts about the regulation of Big Tech, the delegation of Brazilian congressional representatives in Washington. Guest columnist: Márcia Soares, on the unequal impact of climate change on women.
Issue 146
December 6
In this issue: the new fiscal measures announced by Haddad and their impact on the financial market, the data showing the reduction of poverty in Brazil, and the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur. Guest columnists: Carolina Ricardo and Samira Bueno, on the risk of politicization of the Brazilian police force.
Issue 145
November 29
In this issue: the publication of the Federal Police investigation into a coup d'état in Brazil, the changes proposed by Minister Haddad in the economy and the market reactions, changes to abortion rights and changes to the rules governing social networks in Brazil. Guest writers: Rafael Giovanelli and Sergio Leitão on the financing of environmental policies through Brazilian public banks.
Issue 144
November 22
In this issue: the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro and the indictment by the Federal Police of Bolsonaro and almost 40 other people involved in an attempted coup d'état and the implementation of a military dictatorship in Brazil. Guest columnist: Marianna Poyares on Elon Musk's fight with the Brazilian justice system and the impacts of his entry into the new Trump administration.
Issue 143
November 15
In this issue: the suicide attack on the headquarters of the Supreme Federal Court, the repercussions in Brazil of the first nominations of members of the Trump administration and the burning of files of an informant from the criminal faction PCC in São Paulo. Guest columnist: Vânia Penha-Lopes on Trump's victory in the 2024 presidential elections.
Issue 142
November 8
In this issue: Donald Trump's victory and the consequences for Brazil, the drop in deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado, the dispute over José Dirceu's conviction in Lava Jato. Guest columnist: Julia Yansura, on the international fight against environmental crimes.
Issue 141
November 1
In this issue: the deterioration of relations between Brazil and Venezuela, the convictions in the Marielle Franco case, the discussions surrounding the election of the new presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Guest columnist: Fernando Haddad Moura, on the second round of the 2024 local elections in Brazil.
Issue 140
October 25
In this issue: the BRICS summit in Russia and the veto on Venezuela's entry into the group, the campaign for the second round of the 2024 local elections and the preparations for the trial in the Marielle Franco case. Guest writer: Tainah Santos Pereira on the participation of black leaders in Brazilian politics.
Issue 139
October 18
In this issue: debates in the Lula government regarding budget cuts, the political climate leading up to Lula's trip to Russia for the BRICS meeting, the power outage in São Paulo, the audacious actions of organized crime in Rio de Janeiro. Guest columnist: Flávia Pellegrino, on the origins and political relevance of the far right in Brazil.
Issue 138
October 11
In this issue: the results of the first round of local elections in Brazil, the return of Twitter/X, the new president of the Central Bank, the fight between Congress and the Supreme Federal Court. Guest columnist: Ingrid Silveira, on the importance of preserving the Cerrado.
Issue 137
October 4
In this issue: Lula's visit to Mexico, the municipal elections in Brazil, the unfreezing of Twitter/X's bank accounts, the improvement in credit ratings. Guest columnist: Pedro Kelson, on the elections for mayor and city councilor in Brazil.
Issue 136
September 27th
In this edition: Lula at the UN, the attempt to reestablish Twitter/X in Brazil, the effects of heat and drought, violence against Indigenous people in Mato Grosso do Sul and the WBO conference in Georgetown. Guest columnist: Fiona Macklin, on the importance of action against climate change.
Issue 135
September 20th
In this edition: interest rates in Brazil and the USA, the battle against fires, conflicts with X, the fight between candidates in a TV debate, violence against Indigenous people. Guest speakers: Paulo Abrão and Bryan McCann, about the event that discusses the extreme right at Georgetown.
Issue 134
September 13
In this edition: the fires and drought in Brazil, the resignation of minister Silvio Almeida, the dispute for the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and the panorama of municipal elections. Guest columnist: Denilde Holzhacker, about the 79th United Nations General Assembly.
Issue 133
September 6
In this issue: the disputes between the Supreme Court and Elon Musk, the unexpected growth of Brazil's GDP, the record drought in the country, the allegations of harassment at the Ministry of Human Rights. Guest columnist: Fabio Martins, on Cerrado Day.
Issue 132
August 30
In this issue: the role of Brazil and Colombia in the Venezuelan political impasse, Zelensky's criticism of Lula, the increase in fires in Brazil. Guest columnist: Sônia Guajajara, on the role of Indigenous people in environmental preservation.
Issue 131
August 23
In this issue: greater control over the Secret Budget, demographic changes in Brazil and attempts to approve an amnesty for Bolsonaro in Congress. Guest columnist: Pedro Telles, on the political situation in Venezuela.
Issue 130
August 16
In this issue: Brazil's stance on the prolonged impasse in Venezuela, the accusations against Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes and the death of Delfim Neto. Guest writer: Dinamam Tuxá, on the indigenous issue in Brazil.
Issue 129
August 9
In this issue: the Venezuelan electoral chess game and Brazil's position, the new convictions of those involved in the failed coup of 8/1, the attacks on Indigenous people in Mato Grosso do Sul, and the record fires in the Pantanal. Guest columnist: Carlos Magno on the importance of the Cerrado in Brazil.
Issue 128
August 2
In this edition: the impasse in the Venezuelan election and Lula's position in the crisis, new statistics on violence in Brazil, the drop in unemployment and the indictment of the governor of Rio de Janeiro. Guest columnists: James N. Green and Paulo Abrão on political violence in Brazil and the USA.
Issue 127
July 26
In this issue: the differences between Lula and Maduro on the eve of the presidential election in Venezuela, the reduction of hunger and food insecurity in Brazil, the privatization of Sabesp in São Paulo. Guest writers: Benilda Brito and Ayana Odara de Brito on the International Day of Black Latin American and Caribbean Women.
Issue 126
July 19, 2024
In this edition: the attack against Trump and the reactions in Brazil, Milei's disagreements with Lula, criticisms of Haddad, the numbers in the violence yearbook and renewed assaults against Indigenous peoples. Guest columnist: Ana Carolina Evangelista, on politics and religion in Brazil.
Edition 125
July 12, 2024
In this edition: investigations into the parallel Abin, the Mercosur meeting, Milei's arrival in Brazil, Lula's departure to Bolivia, the return of the time frame, tax reform. Guest columnist: Marie Santini, about the far-right harassment against NetLab UFRJ.
Issue 124
July 5, 2024
In this edition: the indictment of Jair Bolsonaro in the jewelry case, the variation in the exchange rate of the dollar, Milei's arrival at a far-right meeting in Brazil and the recreation of the Commission for the Dead and Missing. Guest columnist: Jeff Conant, on the challenges of preserving the Brazilian Cerrado.
Issue 123
June 28, 2024
In this edition: The frustrated coup in Bolivia, Lula scolds Milei, the record number of fires in the Pantanal, the arrest warrants against the directors of Americanas, and the ban on a Palestinian entering Brazil. Guest authors Michel Gherman and Stephanie Assaf on the global expansion of the far right.
Issue 122
June 21, 2024
In this edition: Lula and Haddad's fiscal and budgetary dilemmas, the disputes surrounding the abortion bill, the escape of those convicted of the January 8 coup to Argentina and the use of the National Force in Rio Grande do Sul after the floods. Guest speakers: Maria Sylvia de Oliveira and Kátia Mello, regarding the unequal weight of the abortion issue on black women and girls in Brazil.
Issue 121
June 14, 2024
In this edition: the Lula government's difficulties in its relationship with a hostile Congress, Minister Haddad's problems in balancing public spending and balancing the budget, police operations in Rio de Janeiro and the strike at federal universities. Guest columnist: Eugênio Bucci, on the misuse of freedom of expression by far-right groups that spread disinformation.
Issue 120
June 7, 2024
In this edition: the good results of the economy, the search for fine-tuning the relationship between the Executive and Congress, the new complaint against Sergio Moro in the Supreme Court. Guest columnist: Denise Dora, on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Issue 119
May 30, 2024
In this edition: the defeats imposed on the Lula government by Congress, Brazil-Israel relations, the first interview of the new president of Petrobras, the confirmation of Bolsonaro's ineligibility. Guest speaker: Tlaleng Mofokeng, on the right to health as a human right.
Issue 118
May 24, 2024
In this special edition, the WBO's weekly bulletin features articles written by the US ambassador in Brasília, Elizabeth Frawley Bagley, and the Brazilian ambassador in Washington, Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, about 200 years of Brazil-US relations.
Issue 117
May 17, 2024
Highlights: the government's response to the tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul, the change of command at Petrobras, the escape of convicted coup plotters to Uruguay and Argentina. Guest columnist: Kellie Meiman Hock on the history and current opportunities of Brazil-US trade.
Issue 116
May 10, 2024
Highlights: the environmental tragedy in southern Brazil, the Bolsonarist offensive in the U.S. Congress, the interest rate, and the popularity of the Lula government. Guest columnist: Marcos Vinicius Chiliatto, on initiatives at the World Bank to combat poverty.
Issue 115
May 3, 2024
Highlights: deaths caused by rain in southern Brazil, the visit of the Japanese Prime Minister, the frustrated May 1st event in São Paulo, the dengue epidemic, and unemployment figures in the 1st quarter of 2024. Guest columnist: Pedro Abramovay, on Brazil-US relations.
Edition 114
April 426, 2024
Highlights: Lula's change in stance on Venezuela, adjustments to the government's fiscal policy, demands on Portugal for historical reparations. Guest columnist: James N. Green, on 200 years of Brazil-USA relations.
Issue 113
April 19, 2024
Highlights: Lula's trip to Colombia, Brazil's position in the conflict between Iran and Israel, pressure from Republicans on the Brazilian judicial system. Guest columnist: Neno Grabers, on Brazil's role in Haiti's challenges.
Issue 112
April 12, 2024
Highlights: the disputes between Elon Musk, Lula and Alexandre de Moraes, the Sergio Moro trial, the PCC's business in São Paulo and the developments in the Marielle case. Guest columnist: Guilherme Cézar Coelho, on censorship of artistic freedom.
Issue 111
April 5, 2024
Highlights: the echoes of the 60th anniversary of the 64 coup, Lula's performance in the economy, Sergio Moro's trial and the end of the Army as a 'moderating power'. Guest columnist: Fabio de Sá e Silva on Lula's silence on the 60th anniversary of the coup.
Edition 110
March 29, 2024
Highlights: advances in the Marielle Franco case, Lula's change of tone on Venezuela, Macron's visit to Brazil, Bolsonaro's visit to the Hungarian Embassy and the 60th anniversary of the 1964 coup. Guest columnist: Rafael R. Ioris about the lost opportunities to make amends for the 21 years of the Brazilian dictatorship (1964-1985).
Issue 109
March 22, 2024
Highlights: news of Marielle Franco's case, the 60th anniversary of the 1964 coup, Lula's popularity and unpopularity, the good economic numbers. Guest columnist: Jefferson Nascimento, on two recent decisions of the Inter-American Court against Brazil.
Issue 108
March 15, 2024
Highlights: Lula's reluctance about marking the 60th anniversary of the coup, the Brazilian extreme right's trip to Washington, Brazil's convictions in the Inter-American Court and the disputes over Petrobras dividends. Guest columnist: Nana Oliveira, on allegations of torture in the Brazilian prison system.
Issue 107
March 8, 2024
Highlights: Lula's comments regarding the elections in Venezuela, the government's popularity and the investigations against those involved in the coup attempt. Guest columnist: Elaine Gomes, on the space and role of black women in Brazilian diplomacy.
Edition 106
March 1, 2024
Highlights: Bolsonaro's rally on Paulista Avenue, Lula's dialogue with Caribbean countries, the debate about genocide in Gaza and the reaction of Brazilian movements to the president's speech about the 1964 coup. Guest speaker: Nina Santos, on integrity of information.
Edition 105
February 23, 2024
Highlights: the G20 summit in Brazil and Lula's meetings with Blinken and Lavrov, the progress of investigations against Bolsonaro, the economy's good numbers. Guest columnist: Dawisson Belém Lopes, on the disputes between China and the USA and the consequences for Latin America.
Edition 104
February 16, 2024
Highlights: Lula's trip to Cairo and Ethiopia, the continuation of investigations against Bolsonaro, the chances of reviewing the Amnesty Law and the political messages of samba schools during Carnival. Guest columnist: Ricardo Seitenfus, on the border disputes between Venezuela and Guyana.
Edition 103
February 9, 2024
Highlights: everything about the Tempus Veritatis operation launched against civilian and military members of the Bolsonaro government who plotted a coup d'état in the 2022 elections. Guest columnist: Paulo Lugon Arante on the prospects for an international Human Rights agenda for Brazil in 2024.
Edition 102
February 22, 2024
Highlights: the “parallel ABIN” scandal, the change of command at the Ministry of Justice, political movements targeting São Paulo city hall, data on interest, unemployment and deficit in public accounts. Guest columnist: Paulo Correa, on the challenges of the Lula government in combating inequality.
Edition 101
January 26, 2024
Highlights: Federal Police investigations into spying on Bolsonaro's political opponents, Lula's plans to revive the automotive industry, the new electoral fund. Guest columnists: André Singer and Fernando Rugitsky, on the challenges of Lula's third term.
Edition 100
January 19, 2024
Highlights: Brazil's role in Guatemala's electoral impasse, the political agreements for the local election in São Paulo, the numbers on economic inequality in the country, and the disputes between the Lula government and evangelical parliamentarians. Guest columnists: James N. Green and Paulo Abrão, about the 100th edition of the WBO newsletter.
Edition 99
January 12, 2024
Highlights: Lewandowski Minister of Justice and Dino in the Supreme Court, Brazil's support for the case against Israel in The Hague, the arrangements for municipal elections, inflation on target, and the fear of dengue fever. Guest columnist: Juliana de Moraes, on the climate crisis, the socio-environmental potential in Brazil and the role of the WBO.
The 2023 editions:
Edition 98
December 22, 2023
Highlights: tax reform, Dino's appointment to the Supreme Court, the hacking of the first lady's account on a social network, figures on hunger and illiteracy, and poll numbers on the approval of the Lula government. Guest columnist: Sami Seternberg, on WBO's support for the work of Brazilian Black movement organizations.
Edition 97
December 15, 2023
Highlights: Dino's hearing in the Senate, the dispute between Venezuela and Guyana, the overturning of the vetoes on the Marco Temporal, the favorable opinion on Moro's impeachment. Guest columnist: James N. Green, on the request for declassification of American documents about the 64 coup in Brazil.
Edition 96
December 8, 2023
Highlights: Venezuela's claims over the territory of Guyana, the risks to the Mercosur-European Union agreement, Brazil's possible accession to OPEC+, COP28 and the sinking of Maceió. Guest columnist: Rosana Heringer, on quota policies in the Brazilian educational system.
Edition 95
December 1, 2023
Highlights: Lula's appointments to the Supreme Court and the Attorney General's Office, Brazil's participation in COP 28, the accusations against André Janones. Guest columnist: Carolina Ricardo, on the challenges of public security in Brazil.
Edition 94
November 24, 2023
Highlights: the conflicts between the Senate and the Federal Supreme Court, the death of a Bolsonaro supporter in jail, Lula's assessment and projections for the economy. Guest columnist: Janes Jorge, on the preservation of the Amazon.
Edition 93
November 17, 2023
Highlights: The debates on the fiscal target, the controversial visit by the wife of a criminal faction leader to the Minister of Justice, the record heat wave, the visit of Bolsonaro supporters to American congressmen. Guest columnist: Marcelo Paixão, on the weight of racial inequality in Brazil's economic development.
Edition 92
November 10, 2023
Highlights: the Federal Police's action against alleged members of Hezbollah in Brazil, the new conviction of Bolsonaro and Braga Netto, the government's disagreements over the fiscal target. Guest columnist: Benoni Belli, on Brazil's role in the OAS.
Edition 91
November 3, 2023
Highlights: Lula and Haddad's positions on the deficit in public accounts, Bolsonaro's new conviction in the Electoral Court and the conviction of General Braga Netto. External columnist: Rafael R. Ioris, on parallels between Trump and Bolsonaro.
Edition 90
October 27, 2023
Highlights: militia attacks in Rio de Janeiro, ABIN's spying software, negotiations with Centrão and the positive assessment of the Lula government. Guest columnist: Andrew Janusz, on black underrepresentation in Brazilian legislatures.
Edition 89
October 19, 2023
Highlights: Brazil's role in the negotiations in Gaza, the final report of the Commission that investigated the frustrated coup of January 8, the historic drought in the Amazon. Guest columnist: Clara Mota Alves, on the female presence in the judiciary.
Edition 87
October 6, 2023
Highlights: Tensions between Congress and the Supreme Court, the appointment of a replacement for minister Rosa Weber, the execution of the brother of congresswoman Sâmia Bomfim in Rio de Janeiro and three other people for the same crime. Guest columnist: Stanley Gacek, on the labor agreement signed between Lula and Biden.
Edition 86
September 28, 2023
Highlights: Lula's rapprochement with the Central Bank, tensions between Congress and the Supreme Court, the change in the presidency of the country's highest court, the case against Bolsonaro for inciting rape and Heleno's testimony about January 8 attempted coup. Guest columnist: Daniel Carvalho de Souza, about the visit of the IACHR rapporteur to Brazil.
Edition 85
September 22, 2023
Highlights: the Supreme Court's decision against the 'timeframe', the revelations of Mauro Cid's plea bargain, the mini-electoral reform and Amnesty PEC to the parties. Guest columnists: Feliciano de Sá Guimarães and Beatriz Pfeizer on Brazil's leadership in the G20.
Edition 84
September 15, 2023
Highlights: The first conviction of someone involved in the frustrated January 8 coup, the twists and turns in Lava Jato, Lula and Dino's criticism of the International Criminal Court. Guest columnist: Maria Sylvia Oliveira, on the nomination of a Black woman to the STF.
Edition 83
September 8, 2023
Highlights: Lula's ministerial reform, the annulment of Odebrecht's evidence in Operation Lava Jato, the first September 7th without Bolsonaro, the deaths caused by rain in southern Brazil. Guest columnist: Mila Burns, on the 50th anniversary of the coup in Chile.
Edition 82
September 1st, 2023
Highlights: the resumption of the "time frame" trial, the testimony of Bolsonaro and seven others involved in the jewelry scandal, the possibility of Cid's denunciation, GDias' testimony to the CPI on the coup, the sanction of the new fiscal framework. Guest writer: Rebecca Tavares, on violence against women in Brazil.
Edition 81
August 25, 2023
Highlights: the expansion of the BRICS, upholding a decision that Dilma was not involved in administrative malfeasance related to impeachment charges, the end of the "budgetary spending cap", the controversy over oil prospecting at the mouth of the Amazon, the search warrants against one of Bolsonaro's sons. Guest writer: Anthony Pereira, on Brazil's intermediary position between China and the US.
Edition 80
August 18, 2023
Highlights: the testimony of hacker Walter Delgatti to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry, investigations into the embezzlement of jewels during the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro, the blackout in 25 Brazilian states and the Federal District. Guest columnist: Vinícius Marques de Carvalho on the importance of transparency in the handling of public information for democracy.
Edition 79
August 11, 2023
Highlights: the Amazon Summit in Belém, the arrest of Silvinei Vasques and the testimony of Anderson Torres – two pivotal players in the frustrated coup d'état of January 8. Guest columnist: Augusto Jobim do Amaral, on the paths of the Left in Lula's third term.
Edition 78
August 4, 2023
Highlights: the deaths caused by the police in Baixada Santista, the action of a hacker in the heart of the Bolsonaro government, the good numbers of the economy and the new revelations of the CPMI of 8/1. Guest writer: Patrícia Audi on the work of Renova BR.
Edition 77
July 28, 2023
Highlights: the new revelations of the Marielle Franco case, the toughening package against anti-democratic acts, the decrees that once again restrict the carrying and possession of weapons in Brazil. Guest columnist: Rafael R. Ioris, on the Lula government's foreign policy.
Edition 76
July 21, 2023
Highlights: offenses against Alexandre de Moraes' family at the Rome airport, Federal Police search those involved in the case and movements by Black movements in relation to JAPER. Guest writers: Rubia Valente and Rosana Heringer, on the access and permanence of blacks in the Brazilian educational system.
Edition 75
July 14, 2023
Highlights: good economic data and Lula's criticism of the Central Bank, the growth of food insecurity in Brazil, Mauro Cid's testimony in Congress, and Bolsonaro's fourth testimony to the Federal Police. Guest columnist: Alvaro Lima on Brazilian laws dealing with the right to dual citizenship.
Edition 74
July 7, 2023
Highlights: the first round of voting on the tax reform in the Chamber of Deputies, pressure from the Centrão for ministries in the Lula administration, the Mercosur summit, and requests for the US to declassify files related to the Brazilian dictatorship. Guest columnist: Michel Gherman on hate crimes associated with the extreme Bolsonarist right in Brazil.
Edition 73
June 30, 2023
Highlights: the vote on Bolsonaro’s ineligibility in the Electoral Court, the meeting of the Foro de São Paulo in Brasília, the Record Harvest Plan and the low population growth in Brazil. Guest writer: David Nemer, on the tenth anniversary of the June 2013 demonstrations.
Edition 72
June 23, 2023
Highlights: the beginning of Bolsonaro's trial in the Electoral Justice system, the confirmation of Zanin for the open vacancy on the Supreme Court, the Congressional Investigation on the coup and the MST. Guest writer: Graziella Testa, on relations between the executive and the legislative in Brazil.
Edition 71
June 16, 2023
Highlights: the proximity of the start of Bolsonaro's trial, the commission of inquiry into the coup, the fraud at Lojas Americanas, Lula's difficulties in Congress. Guest writers: Túlio S H Ferreira, Davi Figueiredo Gonçalves Vilar, Maria Eduarda Costa Marques de Moraesk e Silva and Samuel Ângelus Henrique Farias on press coverage of the first hundred days of Lula’s government.
Edition 70
June 9, 2023
Highlights: the future of decisions on Indigenous lands under debate in Congress and the Supreme Court, the confirmation of Dallagnol’s impeachment, the acquittal of Lira, the risk of Bolsonaro’s ineligibility. Guest writer: Ana Barreto on the UN Permanent Forum of Afro-descendants.
Edition 69
June 2, 2023
Highlights: tensions between Lula and Lira in Congress, approval of the timeframe, Collor's prison sentence, Zanin's appointment to the Supreme Court. Guest writer: Michelle Hallack, on the holding of COP 30 in Belém do Pará and the opportunities to advance the climate agenda.
Edition 68
May 26, 2023
Highlights: the tensions between the PT and Marina Silva about the environmental agenda, the new fiscal framework, the changes in Lava Jato (Car Wash) operation, the Lula-Zelenski disagreement at the G7. Guest writer: Silvio Eduardo Alvarez Candido on illegal economic exploitation chains in the Amazon
Edition 67
May 16, 2023
Highlights: The removal of the congressman Deltan Dallagnol, once a prominent prosecutor from Operation Car Wash, the parliamentary commission created to investigate the landless movement MST, the gasoline price drop and the changes on the Petrobras pricing policy as a whole. Guest writer: Ana Claudia Cortez, on the role of the religious institutions running therapeutic communities in Brazil.
Edition 66
May 12, 2023
Highlights: the Lula government's difficulties in winning support in Congress, the Fake News Law, the PT's fights with the Central Bank, Haddad's trip to the G7 and Amorim to Kiev. Guest writer: Rafael R. Ioris, on the disputes between China and USA-Europe, and the repercussions for Brazil.
Edition 65
May 5, 2023
Highlights: the Federal Police operation against Bolsonaro and his advisors involved in the falsification of COVID-19 vaccination certificates, the case's connections with the murder of Rio city councilor Marielle Franco. Guest writer: Pablo Ibañez on China's relations with Latin America.
Edition 64
April 28, 2023
Highlights: the creation of the CPIs of 8/1 and the MST, Bolsonaro's testimony to the Federal Police, Lula's international role in his visits to Portugal and Spain. Guest columnist: Marcio Pochmann, on the challenges of Brazilian trade unionism.
Edition 63
April 21, 2023
Highlights: the resignation of the head of Lula's Institutional Security Office, new images of the January 8 invasion , the debate about a Congressional Commission to investigate the coup, Lavrov's visit to Brasília, Moro's denunciation of slander. Guest writer: Pamella Liz, on the challenges of rebuilding the Unified Health System (SUS) after four years of the Bolsonaro government.
Edition 62
April 14, 2023
Highlights: the testimonies of the military involved in the January 8 attacks in Brasília, the ineligibility of Bolsonaro to run for office, the retirement of Minister Lewandowski, and the 100 days of Lula's government. Guest writer: David Nemer on the challenges of regulating social networks in Brazil.
Edition 61
April 7, 2023
Highlights: Bolsonaro's testimony to the Federal Police about the jewelry case, Lula's assessment of his 100 days in office, the dialogue between Putin and Celso Amorim, and the education reform. Guest writer: Graf researchers, on the links between the US arms industry and the Brazilian extreme right.
Edition 60
March 31, 2023
Highlights: Bolsonaro's return to Brazil and the subpoena for him to testify to the police, Tacla Duran's accusations against Sergio Moro, the veto of the party affiliation of active-duty military personnel. Guest writer: Katia Brembatti, on freedom of the press in Brazil.
Edition 59
March 24, 2023
Highlights: the action of the Federal Police against a plan by the criminal organization PCC to kidnap and kill government authorities, the involvement of the name of Sérgio Moro as one of the targets, and how the Brazilian extreme right tries to politicize the case against Lula and the PT. Guest writer: Sofia Zanforlin, on the situation of Venezuelan immigrants in Roraima.
Edition 58
March 17, 2023
Highlights: Lula's attempt to centralize his government's announcements, Intelligence Service's illegal spying, confrontations with the Navyt, Bolsonaro's jewels and his possible return to Brazil. Invited essayist: Álvaro de Azevedo Gonzaga Kaiowá, about government policies toward the indigenous population.
Edition 57
March 10, 2003
Highlights: Bolsonaro's ethical and customs problems with Saudi jewelry and the measures announced by Lula on Women's Day. Guest writer: Stanley Gacek, on the challenges of the trade union movement in the Lula government.
Edition 56
March 4, 2023
Highlights: Petrobras' record profit, adjustments in fuel prices, the unemployment rate in Brazil, the articulations for the creation of a parliamentary commission of investigation of the events surrounding January 8th. Guest writer: Vanessa Dolce de Faria, on “March 8, International Women's Day”
Edition 55
February 24, 2023
Highlights: The deaths caused by rains and landslides on the north coast of São Paulo, the joint action of Lula and Tarcísio to face the tragedy during a troubled Carnival week in Brazil. Guest writer: João Fernando Finazzi, on “The international impasse of the Haitian crisis”
Edition 54
February 17, 2023
Highlights: Announcements of increases in research grants and in the minimum wage; changes in the income tax table, the difficulty of judging those involved in the coup attempt, and the announcement of Bolsonaro's return to Brazil. Guest writer: Rafael R. Ioris, on “The Lula-Biden Relationship: Common Challenges and Possible Joint Efforts”.
Edition 53
February 11, 2023
Highlights: The meeting between Lula and Biden at the White House, the announcement of U.S. aid for the preservation of the Amazon, the harmony between the two presidents in defense of democracy and the friction between the Brazilian president and his Central Bank. Guest columnist: Fernanda Magnotta, on “What Unites and What Separates Lula and Biden”.
Edition 52
February 3, 2023
Highlights: The inauguration of the new Congress, the elections for the presidencies of the Chamber (lower house) and the Senate, information from Senator Marcos do Val that links Bolsonaro to the attempted coup d’état. Guest writer: David Magalhães, on “What is the Future of the Ultra-right without Bolsonaro”
Edition 51
January 27, 2023
Highlights: The humanitarian tragedy of the Yanomami in Rondônia, the accusations of genocide against Bolsonaro and Lula's first international trips. Guest writer: Carlos Gustavo Poggio, on “Brazil-US Relations: Close Allies or Distant Neighbors”
Edition 50
January 20, 2023
Highlights: The dismissal of dozens of members of the Federal Police, the suspicion of betrayal by the armed forces and Minister of the Economy Fernando Haddad’s trip to Davos. Guest writer: Laura Trajber Waisbich, on “The Return of Brazilian South-South Cooperation”
Edition 49
January 13, 2023
Highlights: The attack by the Bolsonarist extreme right in Brasília, the hundreds of arrests, and the international defense of democracy in Brazil. Guest writer: Paulo Abrão, on “The International Reaction to the Attempted Coup in Brazil”
Edition 48
January 6, 2023
Highlights: Lula’s inauguration ceremony, Bolsonaro's departure to Florida, and the first executive measures of the new government. Guest writer: Carlos Melo, on “The Bolsonaro-Lula Transition in Brazil in 2023”