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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Abdias Nascimento Celebrated at African Studies Center’s 65th Anniversary - Honoring a Legacy of Black Activism and Thought

The African Studies Center (ASC) at Michigan State University (MSU), a leading institution for African studies in the United States and globally, marks its 65th anniversary with a yearlong celebration featuring events highlighting the global reach of Black activism and thought. Among the honorees is Abdias Nascimento, the renowned dramatist, professor, visual artist, activist, and author whose contributions to Black consciousness and transnational dialogues on race continue to shape discourse worldwide.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Blasting the Amazon: The Araguaia-Tocantins Shipping Channel’s Data Holes and Erasure of Traditional Peoples

In the coming months, Brazil may begin blasting a river in the Amazon to create an industrial shipping channel. The Hidrovia Araguaia-Tocantins, largely unknown outside Brazil, could span over 3,000 km, bringing profound consequences: disrupting traditional livelihoods, endangering food security and biodiversity, threatening public health, increasing carbon emissions, and altering forests in Indigenous, quilombola, and ribeirinho territories. Experts warn that its impact could rival the Belo Monte dam, yet unlike Belo Monte, this project has advanced quietly through thousands of pages of studies with little civil society debate.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Where Are Human Rights Headed in the World? The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind

In a clearly atypical year, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the United Nations’ global parliament on the subject, began its most important session of the year in February known as the High-level Segment. In this segment, senior authorities from member states register to the world their concerns and directions for the global wind of human rights.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Why Doesn't the Brazilian Far-right Incorporate Trump's Immigration Policy into Its Platforms?

Almost a month after Donald Trump's inauguration for his second term as US president, it is clear that the issue of immigration has been central to his agenda, especially with regard to entry control, the deportation of people in an irregular situation, and the suspension of funding for humanitarian actions and organizations linked to the UN system that work on human mobility. These measures, widely highlighted by the government's communications team, demonstrate Trump's ability to meet the desires of a significant portion of his electoral base, ensuring their loyalty and reinforcing his political agenda.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

From Washington to Belém: Parliamentary Diplomacy in Defense of Climate, Democracy and Multilateralism

Between December 4 and 6, 2024, a delegation of progressive Brazilian congressional members was in Washington D.C. for a series of strategic meetings with their U.S. counterparts and other key actors, including the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the State Department, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (ECLAC).

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Scrambling for Justice: On Cheap Eggs and Environmental Concern

In 2024, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance capitalized on consumer discontent over inflation to make Democratic culpability for the steepening price of food staples a popular theme of their truth-challenged crusade to defeat the Biden administration. Over the months leading up to the election, the cost of a dozen eggs became a major campaign issue across the United States. In his July 19th speech at the Republican National Convention, Trump assured his followers, the country, and the world that that he would lower costs “on day one.” Before taking office on January 20, 2025, he postulated to the press that he had won the election “on groceries,” avowing: “We’re going to bring those prices way down.”

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Brazil at a Crossroads: Oil Exploration on the Equatorial Margin Tests Climate Commitments

In June 2023, the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) denied Petrobras a license to explore for oil in the Foz do Amazonas basin, in what was perhaps the first internal political conflict of the Lula III government between a vision that opposes economic development to the environment and another that seeks to align public policies with the climate emergency. In the last decade, the climate crisis has become an indisputable issue, with increasing mobilization of governments and organizations. In recent speeches, Lula highlighted the responsibility of the Global North and the need to implement climate agreements. On the domestic front, the government launched the "Ecological Transformation Plan" within the new Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), suggesting a more responsible stance in this area.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Brazil and the Trump Administration’s Executive Orders

No one should be surprised by the dozens of executive orders that Donald Trump signed on Monday, January 20, the first day in office as the 47th president of the United States. He was very clear during the election campaign about what he wanted to do during his second term in office.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Brazil Renews its Commitment to Memory Preservation

By investing in the preservation of memory and promoting broader social participation, Brazil has the chance to contribute significantly to a global effort that acknowledges past harms and to promote models of representation in which silenced narratives are recognized and protected.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

The G-20 and Inequalities

The G-20 is one of the main spaces for global governance. In this space, which brings together the main economies based on a logic of strengthening cooperation between countries, it is possible to address the main issues of our era. In leading this space, Brazil has prioritized the reform of international governance, sustainability dimensions, and the fight against hunger and poverty, but the question we ask ourselves here is: Has that been enough?

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Artistic Freedom Requires, Now, State Policy

The violation of freedoms is one of the most noticeable symptoms of a country in democratic crisis. Threats to freedom of the press, academic freedom, and science are the first to be reported in these cases. Protest rights are also often violated. In the case of artistic and cultural freedom, the violation causes even deeper damage. It is in this arena where the dispute over values ​​that underpin a social order occurs. Taming the field of culture and restricting free artistic creation is to corrupt the range of values ​​that buttress a democratic society.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

The Inequalities of Climate Disasters: Talking about Gender and Race

Climate disasters have become increasingly frequent, affecting entire communities. However, this crisis does not affect everyone equally, as we saw recently in the floods that devastated Rio Grande do Sul. The reality is that impoverished women, especially Black women, are the most impacted.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

The Dangerous Radicalization of the Police

On October 30, 2022, the date of the second round of the highly contested presidential election, the Federal Highway Police (FHP) carried out a series of blitzes on the country's highways. The practical effect of these operations was to make it difficult for voters to exercise their right to vote. The most curious thing is that most of them took place in the Northeast region, which was home to voters of then-candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. At least 610 buses transporting voters were stopped that day, almost 50% of them in the region.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Public Banks and Financing the Climate Transition

Great expectations were created about a new global financing target, with consistent support from developed countries to developing countries in tackling climate change. Brazil, however, does not need to wait for international aid to do its part. We can move forward with national resources through development banks. Public money, whose function is to induce growth, is crucial to financing the climate transition and building a new economy. It takes courage and determination to redirect it. This is the promising path we need to follow from now on.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

A republic of princes – on unregulated tech

Only a few months back, Elon Musk suffered what seemed to be a personal defeat by the Brazilian judiciary. In light of federal investigations concerning voter disinformation in Brazil, X was required to close several accounts identified as superspreaders of misinformation. Following Brazil’s Marco Regulatório da Internet, social media platforms must perform content moderation and are held liable if they fail. Musk took upon himself the task to demoralize Justice Alexandre de Morais through the same platform, calling him a communist, Lula’s watch dog, and emphasizing that the Justice was, in fact, curbing dissent and endangering freedom of speech in Brazil. Musk’s refusal led to X’s non-compliance with Brazilian regulations, and the platform was quickly shut down. After a few more weeks of ranting at an empty audience and following the pressure of X shareholders who had suddenly lost one of their main markets, Musk allowed the company to make the necessary changes to comply with Brazilian regulations. The outcome was heralded as a victory for the Brazilian government. I could not disagree more with the assessment. I believe it stands as an example of a victory of democratically constituted regulation over the rules of a prince. 

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Considerations on Trump’s victory in 2024

Although slavery was abolished in the US in 1865, presidential elections continue to be decided by indirect vote: 270 votes are needed in the Electoral College to elect a president. In 2016, Trump garnered 306 votes to Clinton's 232. When he ran for re-election in 2020, Trump got 232 votes to Biden's 206. Trump did not accept his defeat and incited a mob to invade the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the day Congress confirmed Biden's victory. To this day, Trump and his co-religionists maintain their “victory.” In 2024, there was no need for that. Trump won a landslide victory in the Electoral College: 312 to 226. He also received 50.5% of the popular vote, or almost 4 million votes ahead of Kamal Harris. Part of his success is due to the fact that he won in all the “swing states” or “battlefield states,” so called because their voters are not committed to either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party. Therefore, depending on the election, they can swing in either direction, thus establishing a battleground for the parties. These are Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida, on the East Coast; in the Midwest, Ohio, Minnesota, Michigan and Iowa; Nevada and Colorado in the West complete the picture.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Takeaways from COP16 on Efforts to Combat Environmental Crimes

Last week, representatives from countries around the world gathered at the COP16 Biodiversity Conference in Cali, Colombia to discuss national commitments to protect biodiversity at a time when up to 1 million species are at risk of extinction. Of course, environmental crime falls squarely within the agenda of COP16. We know that illegal logging, mining, and trafficking of wild flora and fauna constitute major threats to biodiversity. This occurs through direct threats, such as trafficking of endangered species that removes them from their habitats and puts their immediate survival at risk. It also occurs through indirect threats, such as mercury use in illegal mining, which poisons living organisms downstream, including dolphins and jaguars.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

What the 2024 Local Elections Signal for the Future of Politics in Brazil

If we were to paint the map of Brazil with the results of the 2024 municipal elections with the same logic that the USA does, red for the Republicans (right wing) and blue for Democrats (left wing), that map would be covered in red. Different from the dual party system present in the United States, Brazil currently has 29 registered parties across the political spectrum, and it is the parties from the center to the right that were dominant and won the majority of the mayors in Brazil's 5,569 municipalities. However, if that red meant blood, then that map would have many dots on it. In the first round of the elections, between August 16th and October 6th, 373 occurrences of violence against candidates or their staff were registered with 100 murder attempts and 10 assassinations, an increase of 130% since the 2020 elections, according to a study by Terra de Direitos and Justiça Global. Now if the color green represented money, that map would be covered with the billions of dollars from parliamentary amendments sent by congressmen to their base and that heavily influenced electoral outcomes.  Characterized by less polarization than in 2022, these elections were still marked by violence, the results of the parliamentary amendments and the consolidation of a block of parties that is increasingly more powerful.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Leading Change and Strengthening Democracy

The underrepresentation of Black women in positions of power in Brazil is a historic challenge that has been addressed with increasing mobilization and organization. The Mulheres Negras Decidem (Black Women Decide, MND) movement emerged in 2018 with a firm belief in the capabilities of current generations to reverse this scenario, transforming institutional politics ethically and aesthetically. With a network that exteneds throughout the country, the MND carries out campaigns, training sessions, and data-centered research to increase the political participation of these women, ensuring that they have the power to influence the decisions that affect their lives.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Why the Far Right is Gaining Popular Support and Electoral Expression in Brazil

The results of the first round of the 2024 Brazilian municipal elections, held on October 6, point to a scenario that has been predicted and feared since anti-democratic political forces have intensified their influence in the country over the last decade. The election revealed significant political and electoral traction by the far right and its orbiting camp and was once again the scene of methods characteristic of this side of the political spectrum: systematic disinformation campaigns, political violence, and hostility towards the Brazilian voting system.

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