Brazilian congressional delegation goes to Washington to discuss climate action, democracy, and sustainable development
Press release
Nov 28 2024
Photo: Trevor Parker
The CIPÓ Platform, in partnership with the Washington Brazil Office (WBO) and the Secretariat of Institutional Relations of the Presidency of the Republic, is leading a congressional diplomacy delegation to Washington from December 4 to 6, 2024. The initiative, which has the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Instituto Clima e Sociedade (ICS), aims to strengthen the commitment and cooperation between Brazilian and US congressional representatives in promoting climate action, sustainable development, and the defense of democracy on the international stage.
The delegation’s visit takes place at a critical time, characterized by setbacks and challenges in advancing these agendas in various parts of the world. The poor results of COP29, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, combined with the rise of governments opposed to international cooperation in favor of sustainability, put at risk the ability of countries to promote fair green transitions and contain global warming to 1.5ºC.
This scenario reinforces the urgency of strengthening leadership and cooperation among congressional members committed to promoting ambitious climate policies, both in their own countries and on the international stage. At the same time, the rise of anti-democratic discourse and the growing articulation of far-right actors — exemplified by the significant mobilization of Brazilian congressional members for Donald Trump's inauguration — highlight the urgent need to intensify channels of dialogue and cooperation between Brazil and the United States, especially among key actors committed to defending democracy, human rights and environmental preservation.
On the Brazilian side, the presence of federal congressional representatives Célia Xakriabá (PSOL-MG), Dandara (PT-MG), Túlio Gadelha (Rede-PE) and Arlindo Chinaglia (PT-SP) has already been confirmed. Two other congressional members are expected to join the delegation.
Main objectives of the mission:
Strengthen the commitment to climate action and sustainable development on the road to COP30. The initiative aims to expand congressional support, both nationally and internationally, to create a more favorable environment for the adoption of ambitious and robust commitments during the 2025 UN climate negotiations in Belém.
Promote the implementation, in the congresses of Brazil and the United States, of the commitments assumed internationally by both countries, including those of the G20 Leaders' Declaration of Rio de Janeiro, with a focus on combating hunger and poverty, the transition to a sustainable economy, and the reform of global governance.
Strengthen bilateral relations between Brazil and the United States, promoting an exchange of ideas and experiences between key actors in the areas of climate, democracy, and human rights. This cooperation aims to identify synergies and promote strategies to curb setbacks and strengthen legislation and initiatives that promote progress in these areas, seeking to overcome the political challenges faced at the national and international levels by both countries.
Mission program:
The mission will include a series of specialized meetings, including activities at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the World Bank, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the US Department of State, Congress and the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, as well as other strategic actors.
Meetings with members of the US Congress, such as Senator Bernie Sanders, and discussions on the role of congressional members in promoting climate action and democracy, with a focus on a just transition and the promotion of more inclusive global governance, are planned.
These topics will also be addressed at a roundtable hosted by the WBO and the CIPÓ Platform at the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) on December 6.
Launch of policy brief on parliamentary diplomacy
During the roundtable, we will launch the policy brief "Congressional Diplomacy for Climate Action and Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities", produced by the CIPÓ Platform, with support from the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Climate and Society Institute (ICS).
The policy brief presents a diagnosis of the opportunities and challenges to strengthen Brazilian congressional diplomacy in international forums, such as the G20 and the COPs on climate, and provides concrete recommendations to increase the participation of congressional members in such spaces. Among the suggestions, the creation of a national strategy for congressional diplomacy, the training of legislators and advisors on foreign policy issues, and the institutionalization of channels for engagement with multilateral forums stand out.