Brazilian Peripheral Movement Seeks to Internationalize Actions in the USA

WBO Press Release
September 27, 2023

  • LabJaca representatives had two weeks of meetings in Washington and New York

  • WBO supported the expansion of contacts with funders, legislators and other interlocutors of U.S. civil society

The Washington Brazil Office (WBO) and the NGO LabJaca together took an important step in the month of September 2023 to internationalize and further strengthen the agenda of Brazilian peripheral movements. For fifteen days, LabJaca representatives participated in meetings, seminars, and receptions organized by the WBO in Washington and New York. The agenda coincided with the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, which brought numerous Brazilian and foreign authorities to the United States to debate the themes that will shape the future.

LabJaca is one of 50 Brazilian organizations affiliated to the WBO. The NGO was created to function as a laboratory for research and construction of narratives about favelas and peripheries, and counts on the WBO as a strategic bridge to reach important interlocutors in the USA.

"In Washington, we presented LabJaca's work methodologies and the exchange that we have planned for the international favela conference to see how we can replicate the technologies that are being developed in the country's outskirts to think about the well-being of these communities. In New York, we also talked a lot about how the effects of climate change affect groups that are most vulnerable – such as favelas, peripheries, quilombolas, Indigenous communities – and how important it is to think about spaces in which solutions are formulated based on our agenda and what we have developed, because there is no way to think of solutions without us being involved in them," said Thiago Nascimento, who, together with Mariana de Paula, participated in this trip to the United States, as members of LabJaca.

"What we accomplished together was an effort to boost the international agenda of Brazilian civil society and its interests, more particularly of peripheral movements", said Paulo Abrão, executive director of the WBO, who followed the development of the agenda in the United States. "LabJaca and Brazilian movements on the periphery must assume an increasingly greater role, internationalize their agendas and connect with other similar organizations in other parts of the world. To achieve this, it is important to search for funders and contact with organizations, foundations, and other interlocutors from civil society, governments, and legislators related to the cause, as a way of expanding the ability to establish connections."

Agenda in New York

The agenda began with attendance at the Climate Summit, a seminar held at Columbia University in New York on September 13th and 14th. On the 15th, members of LabJaca were invited to participate in the reception given by the Brazil Foundation to the Brazilian Minister of Women, Aparecida Gonçalves, and also in a meeting with representatives from JP Morgan and Gastromotiva.

On the 18th, they were present at the event "Brazil on the Front Line of Climate Justice: A Global Vision for the Future," again at Columbia University, which was attended by Minister of the Environment Marina Silva, and Minister of Human Rights Silvio Almeida. Furthermore, they participated in a meeting at the Rockefeller Foundation during the launch of Project Dandelion and concluded the time in New York by participating in the "Conexões pelo Clima" event, with more than 150 representatives from peripheral movements and the Indigenous movement.

Agenda in Washington

The agenda continued in Washington with a first meeting held on Monday, September 25 with Senator Bernie Sanders' team. Afterwards, the group was received by representatives of the State Department and also held a meeting with members of the Inter-American Development Bank.

On Tuesday, September 26, the meetings included representatives of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and participation in an event held in partnership with the organizations Race & Equality and Elas Existem.


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