WBO Participates in the Launch of a Report on Artistic Freedom in Washington
WBO Press Release
Nov 18 2024

On Thursday, November 14, 2024, the Washington Brazil Office (WBO) participated in the launch of the report, “Artistic Freedom from the Perspective of International Human Rights Law”, with which the organization collaborated in the survey of parameters for the protection of the right to freedom of artistic expression, highlighting the importance of its defense, risks, and recommendations.
The launch took place at the headquarters of the Washington Office for Latin America (WOLA) in Washington with a panel that included Raquel da Cruz Lima from Artigo 19; Javier Palumbo, the Special Rapporteur for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (REDESCA) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; and Jake Neuberger, from Artists at Risk Connection (ARC).
The panel participants highlighted the reasons why artistic freedom should be protected in the Americas and discussed the international parameters that govern the issue with their restrictions and limitations.
The report and debate are part of a broader effort that included a seminar on November 6 and 7, 2025 in Washington, DC to discuss the adoption of protection parameters for freedom of artistic expression and the human rights of cultural professionals in the Americas. The 2023 seminar was promoted by the WBO, the Office of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, the Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Cultural and Environmental Rights, Article 19, Brazilian Movement for Freedom of Artistic Expression (MOBILE), PEN International, ARC/PEN America, IFEX Global, the Regional Alliance for Freedom of Expression, Samambaia.org, and FUNARTE.