Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Celso Amorim's interview with Brazil Office

Celso Amorim's interview with Brazil Office. Former Foreign Minister in the governments of Itamar Franco, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and Dilma Rousseff talks about the foreign policy of the new Brazilian government. In conversation with James N. Green on the Brazil Unfiltered podcast, the diplomat analyzes the future of relations with the BRICS, South American neighbors, and the United States

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Lula is Elected President of Brazil. Bolsonaro Must Support the Transition

Lula is Elected President of Brazil. Bolsonaro Must Support the Transition. Workers’ Party (PT) candidate received more than 2 million votes more than his rival and is expected to take office on January 1, 2023. Current president must recognize the result and refrain from inciting violence and unfounded questioning

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

Delegation of US Specialists Accompanies Second Round of Brazilian election

Delegation of US Specialists Accompanies Second Round of Brazilian election. Five international experts will be in Brazil on a visit organized by the Washington Brazil Office (WBO) at the invitation of Regional Electoral Court in São Paulo. Members of the delegation will accompany the Ballot Box Integrity test and visit polling places.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

International Mission publishes its statement on the 1st round

International Mission publishes its statement on the 1st round. Document cites records of 'threats, physical assaults and politically motivated killings'. Group urges the Brazilian government to investigate and hold those involved accountable

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

International manifesto in defense of elections in Brazil

International personalities sign manifesto in defense of democracy and elections in Brazil. Roger Waters, Anne Hidalgo, Danny Glover, Pablo Iglesias and Noam Chomsky are among the more than 100 artists, academics, activists and politicians from 10 countries who sign the the letter. Document seeks to support Brazilian institutions in the face of Bolsonaro's anti-democratic attacks.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

US Congressmen urge Biden to press Bolsonaro for democracy

US Congressmen urge Biden to press Bolsonaro for democracy. Letter to the US President has the signature of at least 31 representatives and 8 senators. Document accuses Brazilian president of threatening democratic institutions on the eve of the election.

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Joao Paulo Charleaux Joao Paulo Charleaux

WBO weekly bulletin closely follows elections in Brazil

WBO weekly bulletin closely follows elections in Brazil. Newsletter in English brings information about the Brazilian presidential race to more than 2,000 subscribers. The free publication is available for subscription via the WBO website.

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