Brazil at the UN Permanent Forum on People of African descent
In this article, written for the WBO, Ana Barreto talks about the importance of the UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent
COP 30 in Brazil: An Opportunity to Push the Climate Justice Agenda Further Along
In this article, Michelle Hallack, researcher fellow at the WBO, discusses the COP in Belém and explains the concept of Climate Justice
Legislative Setbacks against Indigenous Peoples and the Environment
Indigenous leaders explain why PL 490 and MP 1154 represent a setback for the rights of Indigenous peoples and the preservation of Brazilian biomes.
The Unequal Division of Labor in the Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest
In this article, Silvio Eduardo Alvarez Candido unravels the complex network of economic actors involved in the illegal exploitation of the Amazon Rainforest.
The role of religion in drug treatment policy
In this article, written for WBO weekly newsletter, Ana Claudia Cortez talks about the role of religious therapeutical communities on drug policies in Brazil
Brazil’s Rising Challenges in the New World Order
In this article, written for the WBO, Rafael R. Ioris talks about Lula's foreign policy challenges in his third term
Brazilian Trade Union Impasse
In this article, written for issue 64 of WBO weekly newsletter, Marcio Pochmann discusses the challenges that the union movement and the workers has been facing in Brazil.
The Impact of the 4 Years of Bolsonaro on the Brazilian Health System
In this article, written for the WBO weekly newsletter, Pamella Liz talks about the destruction of public health in the Bolsonaro government and the challenge of reconstruction in the Lula government
Fake News Bill: Move Accordingly and Preserve Society
In this article, written for the WBO weekly newsletter, David Nemer analyzes the challenges of regulating large digital platforms in Brazil
How the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Gun Industry Messed up Democracy in Brazil
In this article, written for issue 61 of the WBO weekly newsletter, Graf researchers explore the links between the Brazilian far right and the US gun lobby.
Press and Power in Brazil: A Return to Normality?
In this article, published in issue 60 of the WBO weekly bulletin, dated March 31, 2023, Katia Brembatti talks about attacks on journalists and threats to press freedom in Brazil
Impressions from Fieldwork in Roraima
In this article, published in issue 59 of the WBO weekly bulletin, dated March 24, 2023, researcher Sofia Zanforlin addresses the situation of Venezuelan immigrants arriving in the Brazilian state of Roraima
The Federal Government Must Demarcate Indigenous Lands and Guarantee Health and Indigenous Education
In this article, written for the WBO weekly newsletter, Alvaro de Azevedo Gonzaga Kaiowá argues that the federal government must demarcate indigenous lands and guarantee health and indigenous education
Environmental Racism and Policy Responses: Lessons for Brazil from the US
In this article, Marina Marçal discusses how climate change unequally impacts Afro-descendant communities around the world, and particularly black women.
Can the New Lula Government Restore and Strengthen Labor and Trade Union Rights in Brazil?
In this article, written for the WBO weekly newsletter, Stanley Gacek talks about the challenges of the trade union movement in Brazil during the Lula government
March 8, 2023: ‘No Callem’
In this article, written for the WBO's weekly newsletter, Brazilian diplomat Vanessa Dolce de Faria makes March 8 an occasion to reflect on the challenges and achievements of women in society.
The Haitian crisis and the international stalemate
In this article, João Fernando Finazzi analyzes the Haitian crisis as a potential focal point that can become an important issue in the Brazil-US relationship.
Lula and Biden: Common Challenges and Potential Shared Efforts to Come
In this article, wrote for the WBO weekly newsletter, Rafael R. Ioris, a WBO research fellow, discusses the common challenges and the potential shared efforts to come between Brazil and US, after the Lula-Biden meeting.
Double-edged Sword: What Brings Together and What Separates Biden from Lula
PhD Fernanda Magnotta analyzes the perspectives for the meeting between presidents Lula and Biden, in an article for issue 53 of the WBO weekly newsletter