The International Reaction to the Attempted Coup in Brazil
In this article, Paulo Abrão, Executive Director of the WBO, analyzes the conditions that made possible an effective international response to the attempted coup in Brazil.
Brazil’s South-South Cooperation is Back
In this article, Laura Trajber Waisbich, international cooperation expert, talks about the Brazil’s South-South relations during the PT-led period and on the new Lula administration
Does the Brazilian Far-right Have a Future without Bolsonaro?
In this article, David Magalhães, professor of International Relations at PUC-SP and coordinator of the Extreme Right Observatory, talks about the future of the extreme right sector both in Brazil and the US after the Bolsonaro and Trump electoral defeats.
US-Brazil Relations: Close Allies or Distant Neighbors
In this article, Carlos Gustavo Poggio, Associate Professor of Political Science at Berea College, KY, talks about what the future of US-Brazil relations holds with Lula da Silva and Joe Biden in office
The Bolsonaro-Lula Transition in 2023
In this article, Brazilian political scientist Carlos Melo talks about the transition of power in Brazil, in 2022/2023. He analyzes the end of Jair Bolsonaro's term and the beginning of Lula's third term. The text was originally written for issue vol. II nº 1 of the WBO Newsletter (Washington Brazil Office), published on January 6, 2023.