WBO and Partners Discuss Principles for Protecting Artistic Freedom
WBO and Partners Discuss Principles for Protecting Artistic Freedom. Organizations discuss standards and parameters for the sector with the Special Rapporteurs of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights . The objective is to combat censorship, promote artistic freedom and the rights of cultural professionals at international legal and political levels.
International Articulation of Brazilian Black Movements Advances and Prioritizes JAPER
International Articulation of Brazilian Black Movements Advances and Prioritizes JAPER. Group of 14 Black organizations dialogues with governments in Brazil and the United States in favor of greater participation of civil society in international bodies. Joint actions at the UN, the OAS, the US State Department; US and Brazilian presidents highlight JAPER as one of their priorities.
WBO Brings Activists and Academics Together at a Conference on Brazil at Georgetown University
WBO Brings Activists and Academics Together at a Conference on Brazil at Georgetown University. Event brought together 15 experts to discuss the political, economic, and social transformations taking place in Brazil. Initiative brings Brazil and the USA closer together, raising the voice of Brazilian civil society at the international level, according to the organizers.
WBO and Georgetown University hold conference on Brazil in Washington DC
WBO and Georgetown University hold conference on Brazil in Washington DC. Event brings together academics, diplomats, members of governments and civil society leaders to debate recent transformations in the Brazilian context. Registration is open and free for the 5 tables that will bring together 15 speakers over 2 days.
Brazilian Peripheral Movement Seeks to Internationalize Actions in the USA
Brazilian Peripheral Movement Seeks to Internationalize Actions in the USA. LabJaca representatives had two weeks of meetings in Washington and New York. WBO supported the expansion of contacts with funders, legislators and other interlocutors of U.S. civil society.
Event in New York debates the role of civil society against the Bolsonarist coup
Event in New York debates the role of civil society against the Bolsonarist coup. Paulo Abrão from the WBO and Rogério Sottil, from the Vladimir Herzog Institute, participate in a panel on defense of democracy. Debate revisits the role of Brazilian organizations that warned the US about Bolsonaro's coup threats.
IACHR Rapporteur Expresses "Great Concern" about Human Rights in Brazil
IACHR Rapporteur Expresses "Great Concern" about Human Rights in Brazil. Document reports threats to economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights. Conclusions are part of the final report after the visit of the rapporteur to four Brazilian capitals.
Black movement organizations claim active voice in the implementation of the Brazil-USA racial agreement
Black movement organizations claim active voice in the implementation of the Brazil-USA racial agreement. Group demands greater participation in the resumption of the agreement and suggests a list of joint actions against discrimination
Brazilian organizations ask the US to open secret archives about the 1964 coup
Brazilian organizations ask the US to open secret archives about the 1964 coup. Group of 16 entities and 8 personalities linked to the study of history want access to confidential records in Washington. In a letter, signatories appeal to Biden's spirit of transparency and the strengthening of democracy in Brazil-US relations
WBO and International Partners Repudiate Adoption of 'Timeframe'
WBO and International Partners Repudiate Adoption of 'Timeframe'. Organizations insist that the law against Indigenous peoples be overturned in the Senate and in the Supreme Court. For the signatories, Brazil is at a decisive crossroads regarding the rights of Indigenous peoples and the defense of the environment.
Brazilian Black Movements Present a Letter with Demands at the UN, in New York
Brazilian Black Movements Present a Letter with Demands at the UN, in New York. Group of 11 organizations call for racial reparations ‘from a Brazilian perspective’. Entities want Brazil to host the third edition of the UN Permanent Forum of Afro-descendants in 2024
Brazil Receives a Visit from the Special Rapporteur DESCA of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Brazil Receives a Visit from the Special Rapporteur DESCA of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Soledad García Muñoz will visit São Paulo, Brasília, Salvador and Rio de Janeiro in June. Final report must indicate diagnosis and recommendations to protect human rights, environmental, social, economic and cultural rights
Brazilian Delegation of Black Women Visits Washington and New York
Brazilian Delegation of Black Women Visits Washington and New York. Group of 16 organizations goes to the US to seek international cooperation against racial violence. Department of State, US Congress and OAS will receive the delegation.
WBO and Partners Facilitate Meeting between Raskin and Democracy Advocates in Brazil
WBO and Partners Facilitate Meeting between Raskin and Democracy Advocates in Brazil. U.S. Congressman n was a member of the commission that investigated the invasion of the Capitol in 2021. Dialogue seeks to promote the exchange of experiences on how to face attacks on democracy in both countries.
WBO presents its nineteen research fellows for 2023/2024
WBO presents its nineteen research fellows for 2023/2024. Group of researchers will produce articles and organize seminars and other events on the WBO’s main areas of work. Researchers are also WBO's specialized sources for the Brazilian and foreign press
WBO Organizes Brazilian Labor Delegation Visit to Washington
WBO Organizes Brazilian Labor Delegation Visit to Washington. Group held meetings with U.S. organizations linked to the worlds of labor, academia, journalism, and U.S. government officials. The initiative supported the exchange of information in the defense of labor and human rights in Brazil.
Representatives of four national organizations participate in a panel parallel to the UN session
Representatives of four national organizations participate in a panel parallel to the UN session. A group of seven Brazilian and foreign organizations sponsored on Friday, March 8, in New York, a debate on “Black Brazilian Women's Movements and their Contributions to the Global Anti-Racist Struggle”.
US Congressional Representatives Speak Out in Defense of the Yanomami
US Congressional Representatives Speak Out in Defense of the Yanomami. Bolsonaro blamed for humanitarian tragedy. In an open letter, they call for the accountability of the former Brazilian president
WBO opens for new Researcher Fellows
WBO opens for new Research Fellows. Program Seeks Researchers in Seven Different Areas. Candidates Have until March 20 to Apply.
US Representatives Propose Resolution on Democracy in Brazil
US Representatives Propose Resolution on Democracy in Brazil. After the Senate, the US House also discusses Bolsonaro's presence in Florida. Rejection of Brazilian coup plotters grows after the former president announced his intention to extend his stay on US soil